Indoor Shows
In theaters, in enclosed spaces, the word takes space, as does singing. We tell stories and they talk about us, about how we see the world and how we want it.
Vedrai, vedrai (“You will see, you will see”)
A show dedicated to women
You will see, you will see deals with a highly topical matter: violence against women.
Three actresses, three different faces and bodies but one story, in which violence sometimes is physical and sometimes is begotten by exclusion.
On the stage, a pile of black plastic crates becomes everything in the show: the waste hill where also the woman is thrown in, the confessional grille, the crates for tomatoes, a bed, the department of a company, the furniture in an office…
But beside the difficult situations -presented in separated scenes-, the performance talks about the desire for freedom, sisterhood, dreams, sharing, courage, will.
The show makes women reflect on their awareness and strength and men on the theme of gender equality.
The show can be performed in Italian, German, French and English (partly subtitled).
dramaturgy Gigi Bertoni actors Tanja Horstmann, Angela Pezzi, Maria Regosa director Alberto Grilli costumes Maria Donata Papadia, Angela Pezzi, Loretta Ingannato lights Marcello D’Agostino music director Antonella Talamonti photo Stefano Tedioli video Andrea Pedna graphic design Marilena Benini
Lavoravo all’OMSA
“L’indagine da cui si snoda la rappresentazione reitera l’attenzione sul tema del lavoro, confrontandosi con un classico del teatro politico didattico di Brecht, “Santa Giovanna dei Macelli”. Con un balzo temporale Giovanna Dark, protagonista del dramma, incontra le vicende che hanno segnato la storia delle operaie dell’Omsa, portate in scena dagli attori del Teatro Due Mondi e da Angela Cavalli, ex-operaia OMSA. Dalle fabbriche della Chicago del ’29 a quelle della Faenza del 2010 sembra davvero non essere passato nemmeno un giorno (…) Canzoni popolari legate alla tradizione dei canti di lavoro e di lotta scandiscono i vari quadri della rappresentazione (…) È la dimensione musicale che organizza il discorso dei sei attori in cui alla parola, ora cantata ora declamata in racconti, dialoghi o monologhi, viene invece affidata la responsabilità di innestare riflessioni (…).” Elvira Venezia, Krapp’s Last Post
with support of Comune di Faenza, Regione Emilia Romagna, CGIL Ravenna, CGIL Emilia Romagna e Fondazione Argentina Altobelli actors Federica Belmessieri, Tanja Horstmann, Angela Pezzi, Maria Regosa, Renato Valmori e Angela Cavalli ex-operaia OMSA director Alberto Grilli musical director Antonella Talamonti dramaturgy Gigi Bertoni photo Stefano Tedioli
Ay l’amor!
AY L’AMOR! is an amusing and poetic open-air-musical on the theme of love featuring songs from Italy’s rich southern musical tradition alongside original polyphonic pieces. It can be performed as evening show in a public square, in a park, in a courtyard with good acoustical conditions or also in a traditional theatre. Dramaturgically, the masks serve to enliven the characters as they present the multifaceted aspects of love: joy and sorrow, conquering and surrendering, hope and disillusion, life and death. Vibrant background tableaus are created during the songs, choreographic actions and sketches join and separate characters that seem to have just emerged from their own wedding celebrations. The performance is full of comedy with an ironic taste alternating with intense poetic moments. Short texts are translated into English, interwoven with the Italian to help the public to understand, imagine, recognise and perhaps relate to the performance with their personal emotions or story.
dramaturgy Gigi Bertoni musical director and music composed by Antonella Talamonti actors Tanja Horstmann, Angela Pezzi, Maria Regosa, Renato Valmori costumes Angela Pezzi con la collaborazione di Lucia Baldini photos Stefano Tedioli graphic design Marilena Benini director Alberto Grilli