
The central element of our work is pedagogy, considered as a moment of exchange and dialogue with the community. In these years we have conducted numerous pedagogical projects on the national territory and abroad aimed at young generations and, in particular, on social groups that live in conditions of great hardship. This long experience has built a method able to mediate between different cultures, to relate and develop integration processes that contribute to creating a supportive community. Theatrical and artistic work thus becomes an instrument of social inclusion that also welcomes non-theatrical subjects interested in theater as an effective means that affects individuals and reality, creating dialogue, beauty, communication and emotion. Projects with non-actors aim to give voice to weaker or marginalized social groups: for them, theater becomes a vehicle for social communication and at the same time an effective tool for personal growth. The most recent developments of this work have seen an intensification of the commitment in the social field and in particular that with migrants, refugees and asylum seekers with whom we have been creating moments of welcome, knowledge and dialogue for about 13 years. Some of the most recent projects that have seen us at work:

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  • BORDERLESS (Faenza) community theatre workshop
  • BORDERLESS OF EUROPA (Faenza) community theatre workshop
  • COME CREPE NEI MURI (Hattersheim, Germania) community theatre workshop
  • TOTO – TEACHERS OF TOMORROW Erasmus+ KA2 (Faenza, Germania, Italia, Austria, Irlanda)
  • CI VEDIAMO AL PARCO community theatre project
  • EREDI workshop
  • INTEGRATED/DISINTEGRATED (Fredrikstad, Norvegia) community theatre workshop
  • IL MANTELLO DI ARLECCHINO progetto di comunità


  • BORDERLESS (Faenza) community theatre workshop
  • COME CREPE NEI MURI (Hoyersweda, Germania) community theatre workshop
  • TOTO – TEACHERS OF TOMORROW Erasmus+ KA2 (Faenza, Germania, Italia, Austria, Irlanda)
  • CI VEDIAMO AL PARCO community theatre project


  • BORDERLESS OPEN AIR (Faenza) community theatre workshop
  • TOTO – TEACHERS OF TOMORROW Erasmus+ KA2 (Faenza, Germania, Italia, Austria, Irlanda)


  • BORDERLESS_MAUERSPRINGER (Faenza) community theatre workshop. A NEW DIALOGUE BETWEEN COMMUNITY AND THEATER – Co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union
  • BORDERLESS_MAUERSPRINGER CITTADINI D’EUROPA con il contributo della Regione Emilia-Romagna nell’ambito del Bando Promozione della Cittadinanza Europea 2019
  • IL TEATRO DI OGNI GIORNO (Faenza) community theatre workshop aimed at teachers and parents
  • BORDERLESS SPECIAL EDITION community theatre workshop (Ravenna, Italy)


  • BORDERLESS_MAUERSPRINGER (Faenza) community theatre workshop. A NEW DIALOGUE BETWEEN COMMUNITY AND THEATER – Co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union
  • BORDERLESS SPECIAL EDITION community theatre workshop (Ravenna, Italy)
  • THE TEMPEST (Faenza and Rome) story about migrations between theater, dance and poetry. Project winner of the MigrArti-MiBACT 2018 Call – 3rd edition
  • IL TEATRO DI OGNI GIORNO (Faenza) community theatre workshop aimed at teachers and parents
  • IMEG Innovatives und multiperspektivisches Methodentool für eine multikulturelle europäsiche Gesellschaft – KA2 PARTENARIATO STRATEGICO ERASMUS+ (Faenza, Vienna, Friburgo, Palermo).


  • BORDERLESS community theatre workshop (Faenza, Italy)
  • BORDERLESS SPECIAL EDITION community theatre workshop (Ravenna, Italy)
  • BORDERLESS SPECIAL EDITION community theatre workshop (Brescia, Italy)
  • Street theatre as tool for social inclusion community theatre workshop (EL KEF , Tunisia)
  • IMEG Innovatives und multiperspektivisches Methodentool für eine multikulturelle europäsiche Gesellschaft
  • KA2 PARTENARIATO STRATEGICO ERASMUS+ (Faenza, Vienna, Friburgo, Palermo)


  • BORDERLESS community theatre workshop (Faenza, Italy)
  • THE STAFFETTES OF WORK a community theatre workshop for the defense of a right (Faenza)
  • BORDERLESS community theatre workshop(Porsgrunn, Norvegia) Porsgrunn International Theatre Festival


  • BORDERLESS community theatre workshop (Faenza, Italy)
  • BORDERLESS SPECIAL EDITION community theatre workshop (Bergamo, Italy)
  • INCLUSION THROUGH THEATRE (Cologne, Germany) EU-project. Community theatre workshop (Portugal, Germany and France)
  • TO HAVE OR NOT TO HAVE Inclusion through theatre. EU-project. Community theatre workshop (Porto, Portugal), Festival Intenacional de Marionetas do Porto.
  • INCLUSION THROUGH THEATRE (Lisbon, Portugal). EU-project. Community theatre workshop.
  • THE MAS ON STAGE (Vaulx-en-Velin, France). EU-project. A theatre workshop for an intercultural encounter in the heart of the town.
  • THE STAFFETTES OF WORK a community theatre workshop for the defense of a right (Faenza)


  • GIVING VOICE (Faenza) Language learning through theatre, in the frame of the EU-Grundtvig-programme.
  • BORDERLESS community theatre workshop (Faenza, Italy)
  • STREET ACCADEMY OF NAIROBI (Nairobi, Kenia). A triennial training programme about street theatre for teachers, in the frame of the AMREF-programme Children in need
  • WORKSHOP – UNDERWORLD, (Cologne, Germany), Sommerblut – Festival der Multipolarkultur
  • Thoughts about freedom (Fredrikstad, Norway)


  • INCONTRI” (“Encounters”) (Italy, Brazil, Bolivia, Portugal, France), European Project – YOUTH IN ACTION – action: Youth in the World (October 2012 to September 2013), aimed at social inclusion of more than 100 youngsters coming from socially and geographically disadvantaged areas in 4 different nations (rural villages in Bolivia, favelas in Brazil, suburbs of Porto)
  • ACCADEMIA DI STRADA DI NAIROBI (“Street Acadamy of Nairobi”) (Kenia), a three year project for education of street theatre teachers, part of the programme Children in need by AMREF Italy (May 2013).


  • AL-MASRAH (Italy and Palestine), European Project. Multicultural exchange between actors to empower and consolidate the artistic heritage and encourage the artistic talent of youngsters.
  • CITTA’ APERTA (“Open City”), promotional event of “Refugees’ Project”: round table with experts and researchers on the theme of Asylum Rights and Human Rights (March 2012)


  • CAROVANA METICCIA” (“Multicultural Caravan”), project aimed at social inclusion of political refugees.
  • GIORNATA DELLA MEMORIA (“Day of Memory”), workshops for colleges and street shows. Aim: to empower teenagers to think about the Holocaust through artistic work (September 2011 to June 2012)

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Inclusive theatre

Inclusive theatre

a project of theatre education to promote processes of social inclusion

Immigration and the mutation of our society (that we would like to be open minded and welcoming!) have been important issues for Teatro Due Mondi since 2011 when thousands of refugees landed on the Italian coasts during the civil war in Libya. 30 young men from Nigeria, Ghana, Tchad and Pakistan were hosted in the surroundings of our home town Faenza. They were completely isolated and the inhabitants of our region didn’t know anything about them.
That’s when we decided to start a theatre workshop in order to know these people and to create a space where immigrants and Italians could meet each other. It was the beginning of our “Refugees Project”. Many street theatre actions (“Azioni”), one open-air site specific show and a documentary have been produced during these three years of activities.
Still today we are running a weekly workshop in Faenza with 40 participants coming from all around the world.



The workshop Borderless is a space of exchange between people who want to share experiences of being a refugee. It is open to anyone who feels like shouting their joy or pain into the world, no matter if you come from far or were born here, how long you have been in the city, what language you speak or culture you live. We realize a street show instead of a traditional theatre play. Performing on the street offers a chance to the participants to encounter the community through an artistic experience.

Giving voice


GIVING VOICE comes up from Teatro Due Mondi’s experience with migrants and refugees. It’s a workshop conceived to facilitate the process of learning a new language through theater and to encourage integration. GIVING VOICE offers a working method suitable in multicultural contexts with adults who never practice theater and need to learn a second language.

Other routes

A shared theatre

theatre workshops for children and teenagers

This projects offers a way to share Teatro Due Mondi’s street performances with groups of children and teenagers who wish to play with us. Each time we encounter a new group of young people, the fruits of our long artistic research get a new and different taste.
During many years of activity our street work has become a catalyst of social cohesion: 
while taking part in the creation of a common show the youngsters are stimulated to enter in contact with each other and to cultivate a spirit of collaboration that is empowered and reinforced by the theatre experienced as a game.

Out of the theater

meet Teatro Due Mondi and its street

This workshop has the intention of introducing participants to the complex dramaturgical work beneath a play that develops in an open space.
Every actor working alone or in a group must know at least some of the elements that will guide the attention of the outdoor public, the walking spectator.
We start from an analysis of one street show by Teatro Due Mondi and through practical examples, will define the elements (directing, acting and the dramaturgy) needed to develop a performance.