Outdoor Shows

What the road has taught us: the search for an elementary but stratified language, the need to have a simple and effective reading level within a story. And again: the extreme synthesis in the narration, the sharpness of the image, the presence of characters clearly outlined, almost masks of a tradition to be reinvented. Theater in the street: theater in life. Not only is theater an analogy of life, it comes from this and then tells it, it is also, when it is done on the street, part of everyday life. The show must therefore continuously relate to the reality that hosts it, until it becomes an integral and essential part of it. Being inside life to be alive, to be alive in order to be life itself that flows and runs with new rhythm, with different energy, with vitality.


Opera buffa in cucina

ROSSINI FLAMBÉ is a show for young and old that tells of Italy and its flavours and sounds, which unravels the passion for life and its pleasures as a characteristic trait of the Italian culture.
It is the story of a quest for happiness and conviviality, a hymn to love and taste, to good food and the pleasure of sitting together around a big table.
The musical repertoire is inspired by the relationship between food and love with sweet and salty songs about seductions at the table, describing moods that alternate between melancholy and laughter. Starting from the sounds of Italian popular music, Antonella Talamonti (a historical collaborator of Giovanna Marini) composed for this work original music and arrangements that alternate with Rossini’s most famous ouvertures.

dramaturgy Gigi Bertoni actors Federica Belmessieri, Tanja Horstmann, Angela Pezzi, Maria Regosa, Renato Valmori director Alberto Grilli music director Antonella Talamonti lights Marcello D’Agostino costumes and masks Maria Donata Papadia, Loretta Ingannato, Angela Pezzi, Maria Regosa photo Stefano Tedioli video Andrea Pedna graphic design Marilena Benini

Wall cracks

The street performance WALL CRACKS was produced in the frame of the European Project MAUERSPRINGER – Wall Jumpers. It is the result of a long creative process that has started in 2011 when the ensemble from Faenza gave birth to Borderless, a theatre workshop with Italian non professional actors and refugees that have been arriving in Italy since then. Ignorance rises walls while knowledge makes them tumble down. WALL CRACKS is a show about high walls of division that still are built day by day. There are so many of them that they look like a gigantic labyrinth when you watch them from the sky. The actors will be stopped by these walls, they will try to get to the other side but they are refused. They will try it again and again and search for new ways. But if you don’t have a valid passport or if you are different you won’t get through.

dramaturgy Gigi Bertoni actors Federica Belmessieri, Denis Campitelli, Tanja Horstmann, Angela Pezzi, Maria Regosa, Renato Valmori director Alberto Grilli costumes  Maria Donata Papadia, Loretta Ingannato, Angela Pezzi, Maria Regosa photo Stefano Tedioli video Andrea Pedna graphic design Marilena Benini

The nine commandments

a diabolic show about the Money God

A Golden Calf came to preach on the city square, accompanied by his servants devils, to announce the Nine Commandments of Money God. And it seems that the pagan god is amused to remind us that the obscenity of war, the vulgarity of communication, the falsity of politics, the lack of memory and justice are the fruit of his tireless presence. The devils, with the earthly garments of businessmen and wealthy merchants, present the scenes that follow one another with ferocious comedy.

dramaturgy Gigi Bertoni actors Tanja Horstmann, Angela Pezzi, Maria Regosa, Renato Valmori director Alberto Grilli costumes and masks Maria Donata Papadia, Loretta Ingannato, Angela Pezzi, Maria Regosa lights Marcello D’Agostino photo Stefano Tedioli video Andrea Pedna graphic design Marilena Benini


a street theatre parade

CAROSELLO features the characters of The Bremen Town Musicians and transforms the traditional fairytale into a new and contemporary story taking place in the streets of European cities.
The musicians of the play are wandering artists almost like street buskers. They settle on the main square of the town, singing songs and collecting money for food. Present in this tuneful company are the four original animals of the fairytale, the donkey, dog, cat and rooster, but there is a goose with their band as well. Last, but not least, a stork joins the group, carrying a bundle with a baby in it, a new-born that has to be delivered to its mother, Madame Europe, a task the whole group of animals agrees to undertake. The baby is black and Madame Europe proves to be a highly symbolic name as the show unfolds. She lives on Hospitality Street, a road which is not easy to find in the old world.

director Alberto Grilli dramaturgy Gigi Bertoni actors Federica Belmessieri, Denis Campitelli, Tanja Horstmann, Angela Pezzi, Maria Regosa, Renato Valmori music director Antonella Talamonti costumes and masks Angela Pezzi, Maria Regosa, Maria Donata Papadia, Loretta Ingannato photo Stefano Tedioli video Andrea Pedna


street parade

FIESTA is an itinerary performance which transforms streets into a festival of South-American flair. Drum rhythms, three-metre-long figures with faces of papier-mâché, colourful patched costumes, banners, whistles and fire: FIESTA advances, people start to follow this fantastic and jolly parade. At once, it stops: spectators form a big circle, Erendira’s admirer and a bandit are struggling and hunting each other, running, dancing and jumping acrobatically on stilts… And then it goes on, from scene to scene; in an onomatopoetic language-mix actors tell little burlesque stories, inspired by Gabriel García Márquez: a dramatic shipwreck, a turbulent rendezvous of four lovers, Erendira’s humiliation by her grand-mother. Popular songs of the Italian Anarchy movement are sung and accompanied by an accordion and comment on the action. And step by step the town changes face adapting its new function as theatre scenery.

director Alberto Grilli actors Federica Belmessieri, Denis Campitelli, Tanja Horstmann, Angela Pezzi, Maria Regosa, Renato Valmori costumes and masks Maria Donata Papadia, Angela Pezzi

La parata Garibaldi

street parade

La parata Garibaldi is a colourful theatre parade that evokes the atmosphere of a South Italian traditional fest.
Garibaldi, Cavour and Mazzini, the three co-founders of the Italian Republic, have gathered the soldiers of their infantry in order to become an anarchic street marching band. They present funny dances and sing ironic songs which illustrate the history of the foundation of the Bel Paese (“Beautiful Country”) and its way of life.
The men of the Brigade are not patriotic soldiers but fraternal and kind companions who want to have fun, spreading their mediterranean temperament amongst the street audience.

actors Federica Belmessieri, Denis Campitelli, Tanja Horstmann, Angela Pezzi, Maria Regosa, Renato Valmori director Alberto Grilli costumes Maria Donata Papadia, Angela Pezzi music director Antonella Talamonti